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Restful API

Public Interface

User Interface

Order Interface

WebSocket API

WebSocket Introduction

Public Interface

User Interface

Order Interface

1. Place order


HTTP Request

POST: /api/spot/v1/order/place_order


Name Type Required Notes
side number Y Side (1 Sell 2 Buy)
type number Y Order Type(1:Limit 2:Market)
volume string Y Amount
price string Y Price
symbol string Y Trading pair

Returned Data

Name Type Required Notes
code number Y Error code
msg string Y Description
data object N Order details


Name Type Required Notes
orderId string Y Order ID
side number Y Side (1 Sell 2 Buy)
type number Y Order Type(1:Limit 2:Market)
volume string Y Amount
price string Y Price
symbol string Y Trading pair
placeStatus string Y Whether the order was successful or not, 1 Success

2. Batch Order


HTTP Request

POST: /api/spot/v1/order/place_order/batch


Name Type Required Notes
orderList object[] Y Batch Order


Name Type Required Notes
side number Y Side (1 Sell 2 Buy)
type number Y Order Type(1:Limit 2:Market)
volume string Y Amount
price string Y Price
symbol string Y Trading pair

Returned Data

Name Type Required Notes
code number Y Error code
msg string Y Description
data object[] N Batch order details


Name Type Required Notes
orderId string Y Order ID
side number Y Side (1 Sell 2 Buy)
type number Y Order Type(1:Limit 2:Market)
volume string Y Amount
price string Y Price
symbol string Y Trading pair
placeStatus string Y Whether the order was successful or not, 1 Success

3. Cancel order / Batch cancel


HTTP Request

POST: /api/spot/v1/order/cancel


Name Type Required Notes
orderIdList object[] Y Orders cancelled


Name Type Required Notes
orderId string Y Order ID
symbol string Y Pairs

Returned Data

Name Type Required Notes
code number Y Error code
msg string Y Description
data object N

4. Query matching orders


HTTP Request

POST: /api/spot/v1/order/deal/list


Name Type Required Notes
orderId string Y Order ID
symbol string Y Trading Pair

Returned Data

Name Type Required Notes
code number Y Error code
msg string Y Description
data object N Order details


Name Type Required Notes
volume string Y Amount
price string Y Price
fee string Y Fee
feeCoin string Y Token of fees
role string Y Role(1-Maker 2-Taker)
ctime string Y Filled time(ISO8601)
id string Y Matching Order id

5. Query order history


HTTP Request

POST: /api/spot/v1/order/history/page


Name Type Required Notes
page number N Page number
pageSize number N Display amount
startTime string N Order creation starting time(ISO8601)
endTime string N Order cereation ending time (ISO8601)
status string N Order status(1 Unfilled,2 Filled,3 Partially filled,4 Cancelled,7 Partially filled/Canceled)
side string N Side (1Sell2Buy)
type string N Order type(1 Limit, 2 Market)
symbol string Y Trading pair

Returned Data

Name Type Required Notes
code number Y Error code
msg string Y Description
data object N Order details


Name Type Required Notes
total number Y Total number
pageNum string Y Page number
pageSize object N Items displayed
data object[] N Order details


Name Type Required Notes
orderId string Y Order ID
userId string Y UID
orderType string Y Order type,1.Limit,2.Market
amount string Y Total value (Quote token)
dealAmount string Y Filled quantity
volume string Y Filled value (Quote token)
leftAmount string Y Remaining value (Quote token)
volume string Y Order qty (Base token)
dealVolume string Y Filled qty (Base token)
leftVolume string Y Remaining qty (Base token)
status string Y Order status(1 Unfilled,2 Filled,3 Partially filled,4 Cancelled,7 Partially filled/Canceled)
type string Y 1.Limit,2.Market
side string Y Side (1 Sell 2 Buy)
price string Y Order price
avgPrice string Y Avg price
progress string Y Filled percentage Unit:1% 15.8 means 15.8%
ctime string Y Order creation time
utime string Y Order edit time
base string Y Base token
quote string Y Quote token
symbol string Y Trading pair
fee string Y Fee
feeCoin string Y Token of fee

6. Query current orders


HTTP Request

POST: /api/spot/v1/order/pending/list


Name Type Required Notes
symbol string Y Trading pair

Returned Data

Name Type Required Notes
code number Y Error code
msg string Y Description
data object N Order details


Name Type Required Notes
orderId string Y Order ID
userId string Y UID
orderType string Y Order type,1.Limte,2.Market
amount string Y Total value (Quote token)
dealAmount string Y Filled qty
volume string Y Filled value (Quote token)
leftAmount string Y Remaining value (Quote token)
volume string Y Order qty (Base token)
dealVolume string Y Filled qty (Base token)
leftVolume string Y Remaining qty (Base token)
status string Y Order status(1 Unfilled,2 Filled,3 Partially filled,4 Cancelled,7 Partially filled/Canceled)
type string Y 1.Limite,2.Market
side string Y Side (1 Sell 2 Buy)
price string Y Price
avgPrice string Y Average price
progress string Y Filled percentage Unit:1% 15.8 means 15.8%
ctime string Y Order creation time
utime string Y Order edit time
base string Y Base token
quote string Y Quote token
symbol string Y Trading Pair
fee string Y Fee
feeCoin string Y Token of fee